Poster for Albert & Hermann Goering

Albert & Hermann Goering

Two brothers like night and day

2016 1 hour 29 minutes

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Two brothers who could not have been more different. The eldest, Hermann Göring (1893-1946), was a prominent member of the Nazi regime, head of the German Air Force, and a war criminal. The youngest, Albert Göring (1895-1966), opposed tyranny and was persecuted, but today he is still unjustly forgotten, although he saved many lives while his brother and his accomplices ravaged Europe.


10th January 2016

9 years ago


1 hour 29 minutes

Finishes at 12:36am

Ratings and awards

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Directed by

Kai Christiansen

Image of Kai Christiansen

Written by

Jörg Brückner, Gerhard Spörl

No image available for Jörg BrücknerNo image available for Gerhard Spörl

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