The popcorn's in the lobby. The nuts are on the screen.
1984 1 hour 48 minutesWhen a wealthy sheikh puts up $1 million in prize money for a cross-country car race, there is one person crazy enough to hit the road hard with wheels spinning fast. Legendary driver J.J. McClure enters the competition along with his friend Victor and together they set off across the American landscape in a madcap action-adventure destined to test their wits and automobile skills.
29th June 1984
40 years ago
1 hour 48 minutes
Finishes at 2:37pm
$20,000,000 ($51,426,000 today)
Revenue $56,300,000
Movie data last updated 1 week ago on 30th January 2025 at 2:50am (GMT). Ratings last updated 1 month ago on 28th December 2024 at 12:32am (GMT). All film data including images and actor information is provided by the TMDb API, but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb. Film ratings provided by OMDb. IMDb, IMDb.COM, and the IMDb logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. All product names, logos, trademarks and brands are property of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.